2022.07.27JooHyeon HeoNews Announcing the Launch of Radio Research Center! A ceremony to commemorate the opening of Core RF/Power Components Research Center for Low-Orbit Next-Generation Satellites (LONGS) took place on July 21, 2022.
2022.06.30JooHyeon HeoPeople UNIST Students Honored as Excellence Award Recipients by LG Electronics’ H&A Division! UNIST student club 'HeXa' has been honored with the 'Excellence Award' by LG Electronics' Home Appliance & Air Solution (H&A) division.
2022.06.20JooHyeon HeoResearch Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Wwitches for 6G Communication Systems Their findings have been published in the June 2022 issue of Nature Electronics, a sister publication to Nature.
2022.06.17JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST Embarks on Manpower Training Program in Accelerator Science! Five researchers from UNIST will also join the POSTECH research alliance to develop and operate radiation accelerators and heavy ion accelerators in Korea.
2022.06.15JooHyeon HeoResearch New Study Presents Laser Powder Bed Fusion for AI-Assisted Digital Metal Components Their findings have been published in the May 2022 issue of Virtual Phys. Prototyp.
2022.05.04JooHyeon HeoResearch A New Technique Turns Waste Substances into Valuable Products Published in the April 2022 issue of Nature, their findings have also been featured on Nature Editorials.
2022.04.29JooHyeon HeoPeople UNIST Researchers Honored with the 2022 KPS Young Physicist Awards! The award ceremony took place remotely at the 2022 Subcommittee Meeting of the Korean Physical Society on April 20, 2022.
2022.04.04JooHyeon HeoResearch Everyday Design-driven Innovation: Exploring Meaning Change in IKEA Hacking Their findings have been published in the March 2022 issue of the Design Journal.
2022.03.18JooHyeon HeoPeople UNIST Alumna Returns to Alma Mater as Professor of Electrical Engineering From Student to Professor: Heein Yoon returns to her alma mater as professor of electrical engineering.
2022.03.11JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST Students Distinguished Themselves at the 2022 Big Data/AI Competition for Digital Innovation in the Shipbuilding/Maritime Sector! Teams, led by Prof. Sunghoon Lim and Prof. Sungil Kim won Grand and Excellence awards, respectively at the recent 'Big Data/AI Competition for Digital Innovation in the Shipbuilding/Maritime Sector'.