

날짜 학과 제목 첨부
2023-04 12
인공지능대학원 A selective overview of statistical theory for over-parameterized neural networks
16:00 104-E204 온일상 / 인하대학교
2023-04 12
컴퓨터공학과 TLS in practice and research topic
16:00 ZOOM (972 7640 7914) 이현우 / KENTECH
2023-04 11
바이오메디컬공학과 Development of a multimodal optical imaging system for improved disease diagnosis
16:00 110-N104 Jonghee Yoon Ph.D / Ajou University
2023-04 05
컴퓨터공학과 Noise-robust and AI-empowered Earthquake Early Warning Using Low-cost MEMS Sensors
16:00 104-E101 권영우 / 경북대학교
2023-04 04
바이오메디컬공학과 Recreation of 3D microenvironment for stem cell differentiation
16:00 110-N104 Yoonhee Jin Ph.D / Yonsei University
2023-03 30
생명과학과 Tagging and Manipulating neural ensembles to help treat brain illness
16:00 110-N104 Jung Ho Hyun Ph.D / DGIST
2023-03 29
컴퓨터공학과 LoxiLB – an eBPF/DPU based high-performance cloud native load balancer
16:00 104-E101 NIKHIL MALIK & 공석환 / Netlox
2023-03 28
바이오메디컬공학과 ApoE4, Astrocyte priming, and Alzheimer’s disease
16:00 110-N104 Jinsoo Seo, Ph.D / DGIST
2023-03 28
인공지능대학원 Recent Topics on Conditional Generative Models
11:50 ZOOM (930 0150 3283) 김영근 / NYSPI
2023-03 23
생명과학과 Coordinated regulation of the protein trafficking within the Golgi complex
16:00 110-N104 Seung-Yeol Park, Ph.D / POSTECH