2023.11.16JooHyeon HeoPeople Two UNIST R&D Outcomes Selected for National Top 100 R&D Performances Research breakthroughs by Professors Yoon-Kyoung Cho and Dong Suk Kim, selected for 2023 National Top R&D Performances.
2023.11.15JooHyeon HeoPeople UNIST Faculty Startup Selected for TIPS by Ministry of SMEs and Startups This selection has secured TK Medical Solutions Inc. a substantial business fund of 500 million won, recognizing their biochip technology.
2023.11.08JooHyeon HeoResearch New Study Reveals Intriguing Insights into the Nature of Dopamine Synapses and its Implications for Brain Disorders Their findings have been published in Cell Reports on October 31, 2023.
2023.11.07JooHyeon HeoNews Successful Completion of 2023 KIIE Fall Conference! The 2023 KIIE Fall Conference, held at UNIST from November 2 to 3, brought together over 600 experts from industry, academia, and research.
2023.11.06JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST Hosts International Colloquium on Liberal Arts Education in the Era of AI The colloquium on the theme of "Liberal Arts Education in the Era of AI" took place at UNIST on November 2, 2023.
2023.11.03JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST and Ulsan Big Data Center Explore Future Innovation in Industrial City of Ulsan An international symposium, which delves into future innovation in Ulsan took place on November 2, 2023.
2023.10.31JooHyeon HeoNews Leukemia High-Precision BioResearch Group Held Academic Seminar on Advancements in Blood Cancer Research The seminar, held at UNIST on October 27, 2023, aimed to share knowledge and explore new avenues for next-generation blood cancer research.
2023.10.30JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST X UCLA Center for SMART Health to Hold 2023 Digital Healthcare Challenge Award Ceremony The award presentation ceremony was held at the UNIST Haedong Hall on October 30, 2023.
2023.10.30JooHyeon HeoPeople UNIST Research Professor Yu Jin Lee Wins Amgen-KAST Biotechnology Award The award presentation ceremony took place at the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) on October 26, 2023.
2023.10.24JooHyeon HeoResearch Breakthrough Research Uncovers Key Mechanism in DNA Repair Process The work by Distinguished Professor Kyungjae Myung has been published in the online version of Nucleic Acids Res. on September 22, 2023.