Date Department Title Attach
2022-10 26
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning for Drug Discovery
16:00 104-E104 Sungsoo Ahn / POSTECH
2022-10 25
Biomedical Engineering Simultaneous profiling of 3D genome structure and DNA methylation in single human cells
16:00 110-N104 Dong Sung Lee, Ph.D /University of Seoul
2022-10 18
Computer Science and Engineering Unleashing the Potential of In-network Computing
10:30 ZOOM (972 7640 7914) Daehyeok Kim / Microsoft
2022-10 13
Biological Sciences Protein-based Intracellular Drug Delivery Platforms
16:00 110-N104 Hansol Kim, PhD / INJE University
2022-10 12
Computer Science and Engineering Security Research Trends for Unmanned Vehicles
16:00 104-E101 Donghyun Kwon / SNU
2022-10 12
Electrical Engineering [EE] Terahertz integrated circuits and applications
00:00 106-E204 Jae-Sung Rieh (이재성)
2022-10 12
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence Toward Online Video Understanding
16:00 ZOOM (922 9333 3208) Seon Joo Kim / Yonsei University
2022-10 05
Electrical Engineering [EE] Bio-inspired artificial eyes: novel imaging systems and optic components
00:00 106-E204 Young Min Song (송영민)
2022-10 05
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence Order Learning and Its Applications to Computer Vision
16:00 ZOOM (922 9333 3208) Chang-Su Kim / Korea University
2022-10 05
Computer Science and Engineering Bridging the performance gap for complex out-of-core analytics with acceleration
16:00 ZOOM (972 7640 7914) Sang Woo Jun / UC Irvine