Date Department Title Attach
2022-05 25
Design As we may chat: virtualizing proxemic cues for fluid transitions in virtual meetings
13:00 104-1005 Seongkook Heo
2022-05 24
Design Happy birth, Healthy life, Honorable death by Hansol Paeng
13:00 104-1005 Hansol Paeng
2022-05 17
Biomedical Engineering Optical microscopy for medical applications
16:00 110-N104 Ki Hean Kim, PhD / POSTECH
2022-05 11
Design Modulating Brain and Cognition
13:00 104-1005 Sang Ah Lee
2022-04 27
Design Brunel Design for Inclusion and Sustainability
17:00 Hua Dong
2022-04 13
Design Designing IoT system: Critical challenges and approaches for generating value of IoT systems
17:00 Boyeun Lee
2022-03 23
Computer Science and Engineering Taming Android Fragmentation-Induced Compatibility Issues
16:00 ZOOM (856 1477 9158) Lili Wei / HKUST
2022-03 23
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Agent Systems
16:00 ZOOM (872 1905 8908) Heechang Ryu / Samsung Research