Date Department Title Attach
2023-04 27
Biological Sciences Myeloid cell heterogeneity in the cardio-cerebrovascular disease
16:00 110-N104 Goo Taeg Oh Ph.D / Ewha Womans University
2023-04 26
Computer Science and Engineering Designing User-centric Immersive Interfaces in Metaverse Cities
16:00 ZOOM (972 7640 7914) Lik Hang Lee / PolyU
2023-04 26
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence The Elusive Theoretical Understanding of Deep Learning and Mathematicians Building New Theories to Tackle These New Challenges
11:50 ZOOM (930 0150 3283) Ernest K. Ryu / SNU
2023-04 25
Biomedical Engineering Precise Genome Engineering: from Nucleus to Mitochondria
16:00 110-N104 Kayeong Lim, Ph.D. / KIST
2023-04 13
Biological Sciences Tumor Spread through air spaces(STAS) in lung cancers
16:00 110-N104 Jin-Haeng Chung, MD, PhD / SNU
2023-04 12
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence A selective overview of statistical theory for over-parameterized neural networks
16:00 104-E204 Ilsang Ohn / Inha Univ.
2023-04 12
Computer Science and Engineering TLS in practice and research topic
16:00 ZOOM (972 7640 7914) Hyunwoo Lee / KENTECH
2023-04 11
Biomedical Engineering Development of a multimodal optical imaging system for improved disease diagnosis
16:00 110-N104 Jonghee Yoon Ph.D / Ajou University
2023-04 05
Computer Science and Engineering Noise-robust and AI-empowered Earthquake Early Warning Using Low-cost MEMS Sensors
16:00 104-E101 Young-Woo Kwon / KNU
2023-04 04
Biomedical Engineering Recreation of 3D microenvironment for stem cell differentiation
16:00 110-N104 Yoonhee Jin Ph.D / Yonsei University