Date Department Title Attach
2023-03 09
Biological Sciences Fluorescent Protein-based Optogenetic Technology for the Study of Brain Functions and Diseases
16:00 110-N104 Jihye Seong Ph.D / KIST
2023-03 08
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence Optimization algorithms for deep learning
16:00 104-E204 Dong Young Lim / UNIST
2023-03 07
Biomedical Engineering Neural Interface Technologies for Human Brain
16:00 110-N104 Prof. Youngbin Tchoe / UNIST, Department of BME
2022-12 07
Electrical Engineering [EE] Pricing Strategies for CDN-Mediated Internet Traffic
00:00 106-E204 Changhee Joo (주창희)
2022-11 30
Electrical Engineering [EE] Boron Neutron Capture Therapy using Proton LINAC-based High Flux Epithermal Neutron Source
00:00 106-E204 Young-soon Bae (배영순)
2022-11 30
Computer Science and Engineering Understanding of Advanced Code Reuse Attacks and Defenses
16:00 ZOOM (972 7640 7914) Hyungjoon Koo / SKKU
2022-11 24
Biological Sciences Single-molecule studies on SMC protein for DNA loop extrusion
16:00 110-N104 Je-Kyung Ryu Ph.D / Seoul National University
2022-11 23
Electrical Engineering [EE] Representation Learning on Heterogeneous Graphs
00:00 106-E204 Sungsu Lim (임성수)
2022-11 17
Biological Sciences Metabolic stress response in the relationship between chemoresistance and obesity
16:00 110-N104 Seung Min Jeong Ph.D / The Catholic University of Korea
2022-11 16
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence Algorithm-system Co-optimization for Privacy-preserving Machine Learning
16:00 ZOOM (922 9333 3208) Kiwan Maeng / Pennsylvania State Univ.